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Meet Courtney

Courtney Evans has always has a creative streak, she can practically DIY any project or idea that pops into her head! When the opportunity arose to join Board & Brush, she jumped on it. Courtney began as a B&b customer and then became an employee, where she worked her way from assistant, to instructor, to studio manager, and all the way to franchise owner! Courtney lives in Snohomish, serves on the board for the Snohomish Farmer's Market, and now is a Snohomish business owner.  It has always been a dream of her to be fully immersed in her town, and being a part of Board & Brush has completed that full circle!


It's not all work for Courtney, though, as she loves travelling, good food, concerts, and nearly any high-energy activity.  Her family consists of her husband, son, daughter, cat and two dogs.  If Courtney's fun-colored hair isn't a giveaway of her easy-going, fun personality, her storytelling capabilities will be! You can always find her with a Diet Coke (or coffee) in her hand!


Some comments her peers said about her:


“Courtney completely embodies everything that BLOS strives to be and encourages it in its members.  Courtney is the most supportive cheerleader that I know, she is full of passion and energy, always there to life you up and encourage you in all the right ways. She loves seeing others succeed and will move mountains for not only those that she knows, but for strangers alike! She is all about community and spreading joy wherever she can! Courtney is someone who absolutely inspires me to be the best woman that I can be in all that I do.  I love seeing her energy and joy spread to those around her. She truly is one heck of a BLOS BOSS!”- Jennifer Kaylor


“Courtney is so hard working and dedicated to her goal and dreams, family and friends! She works hard to brand and encourage the true BLOS way!" - Erin Ennis


*A comment from out Founder:

What I admire most about Courtney is her ability to not take life too seriously. To say that in the last couple years I've known her, that her life has been all butterflies and rainbows, would not be accurate. Being a business owner is not for the faint of heart! However, what I have learned is that this woman finds a way! Courtney knows how to pivot, she knows when to ask for help, she is extremely positive, and more than anything, Courney is a doer!! You can't make waves if you're just sitting on the beach. Courtney definitely makes her presence known and adored...and gets up and rides that wave!


Courtney is so fun loving and to have her in our corner is a true win! She makes every day better and you have no choice but to be in a good mood after being around her. She truly will lift you up and make you see the good in the world! - Jessica




1) What was your reaction when you won the BLOS BOSS AWARD?


It took a second for me to realize it was my name that you called. I was positive that Laycee or Erin were going to win. I'm still in awe, and I don't think it has fully sunk in yet. I'm not a crier, but this recognition had me CRYING! I just couldn't (and still can't) believe that this group of incredible women SEE, value, and validate me on a daily basis. The fact that I was even nominated blew my mind, but then to win?! It's absolutely bananas and I am so grateful to have all these incredible ladies in my corner!


2) What does this award mean to you and what is something that you do that contributed to you being nominated, and ultimately winning?


This award means so much to me! Sarah Dylan-Jensen was a huge BLOS promoter (before she won BLOS BOSS 23-24), and she looked right at me and asked, "I see you in all these networking groups, why are you not in BLOS?" I didn't have a great answer for her other than the fact that I am on the hot mess express and I don't think I have anything of value to add to this group. I didn't want to be that house with the 15 broken down cars in the driveway. She laughed at me. Literally laughed. Then she pushed me again to at least try it out. One meeting with Jessica is all it took to see that this was a group of my people. My first event was the 2023 Holiday Party, and I got to watch Sarah be crowned BLOS Boss! I made so many friends and connections in that one event. I did not need any further convincing that this was the group I needed to be in. And by in, I mean ALL IN! I carried that idea of being ALL IN throughout the year and I think that ultimately was the reason behind being nominated and winning. I showed up. I invested my time and energy into the wonderful ladies in this group. Whether I had anything of value to add or not, these women have added so much value to my life. 


3) You will help choose next year's BLOS BOSS, what is something that you are going to be keeping your eye out for this next year?


Showing up. Just come, come as you are, in whatever capacity that looks like. You are going to get out of this group what you put into it. For me, I like to see women who want to lift others up, and show up as their authentic self. Take the mask off and just be you.


4) What is something you admire in the other two women you were in the top 3 with?


If you have not had a chance to meet Erin and Lacey, you will want to! I seriously want to be these two women when I grow up!
I admire Laycee for her openness and her willingness to learn and in turn, teach others what she's learned. She is such a wealth of knowledge and a real go-getter! I love how she keeps it real, honest, and raw. But at the same time she is always so positive. I have never seen her flustered, she emits an energy that makes me want to be near her. She truly is a spit-fire, brilliant business owner, and incredible teacher!

I admire Erin for her kind, tough but fair, real talk. Her wealth of knowledge comes from experience in really tough situations. Erin has this way of being straight up but kind at the same time. I love how Erin is so great at holding space for someone when they are struggling, then can look you in the eye and say 'ok, what are we going to do about it?'. I love how action oriented she is and it is no wonder how she's gotten to where she is. She is also one of the kindest and sweetest souls I have ever had the pleasure of knowing!


5) As the winner, how would you like to see yourself used for the betterment of our BLOS community?


Put me to work! I love being bartender with my girl Kaela! I love the basis of Collaboration over Competition and I want to continue showing our members this truly is the way to be a better business owner. I would love to continue being able to share a little tid-bit at the events to inspire our guests to dive all in to BLOS.


6) Is there anything you'd like to add?


Get comfortable being uncomfortable. Growth happens in that uncomfortable feeling. Push yourself to do something that scares you. If it doesn't work out, don't consider it a failure, consider it a lesson. What can you do next time to get a different result? Who can help you achieve the result you're looking for? Take advantage of all business women in this group



Snohomish County Washington

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